Hello past and present MODsters!

I hope you are all having an amazing summer, and gearing up for the upcoming school semester! This is what I've called "Love Letter & State of the Organization." For those of you that like politics and parliamentary procedure (me) this is a concluding statement that comes at the end of one year, and the start of a new one. It’s filled with thoughts about where I think MOD is, and also personal thoughts about where I think all of its members are. In it I share personal words of wisdom, you can read them or you can ignore them, but I share them with love. And finally, this address shares where I see MOD in the future. So lets begin...

The past semester has been both exciting and difficult for me, to watch MOD grow and change from afar. You girls and boys have made me so proud, working together to continue exceeding expectations and pushing MOD to its greatest potential. Keep the enthusiasm alive and nurture your passion to pursue great goals for yourselves as individuals and MOD as a collective. It truly takes a special group of driven, hardworking, innovative and passionate individuals to work together and build a movement on campus and within the greater community; you are the team of those exceptional people. A movement like MOD doesn't happen from one person. One person cannot have the influence, the creativity, or the energy to possibly create what we have all created together. I am extremely fortunate enough to have had such an extraordinary group of individuals join me in the effort to bring a new and youthful creative outlet to the U of A campus, and this past semester in my absence has proven just that. You all stepped up to the task of making sure MOD continued on its path to success, because each and every one of you has been individually invested in MOD's success, not just in your love of dance, but through your love of teamwork, of performance, of community outreach, and of pride. Pride in your ability to work with others, and pride in your ability create. University is not just about the education you gain in your class work, it’s about the innate human experiences of coexisting with others. The skills you have all gained through your leadership roles and interactive teamwork in MOD is going to become invaluable when you leave the campus life and step into the "real world." But who's to say that the University Campus isn't a "real world?" You have all gained the leadership of choreographing... so you are teachers. You've worked with others to plan fundraisers and events... so you are experts in public relations. You have researched worthy causes for philanthropy... so you are activists. And through all these tasks, and the many others involved in MOD, you have excelled in "real world" experiences that have made you into well-rounded individuals; you have shared in experiences that will ultimately inform your actions beyond the campus life. 

One of the most valuable lessons that I have taken from my undergraduate degree has been that the tools for success ultimately lie within the peers surrounding you in the university. Collaboration and discussion will always yield stronger, more creative results than individual research in any discipline. So much emphasis is placed on intellectual property, that it is confining the possibilities of cross-disciplinary dialogue. The University campus has the collective brilliance, skill, and talent to remedy serious global issues, however the students and faculty of most institutions are sitting passive on this unique opportunity. The answers to world issues lie in the collaboration of those sitting around you in every lecture, but all university students are so focused on their own personal success that they refuse to work with others to find the cure for global social concerns. So for some of you MOD was simply a creative outlet, but if you are like me, MOD was about bringing the brightest individuals together to work towards a common goal. We may not have been curing cancer, but I bet we could, if we did it together. That’s how I feel about MOD, and all of you as my co-founders and best friends. 

Some of you will be returning for auditions and another incredible semester with MOD, and others will be moving on to exciting opportunities within or beyond the U of A campus. This is the beauty of a University Group as opposed to a real Professional Company. We all have the unique pleasure of watching each other succeed in incredible pursuits beyond what we do together. Whether its medical school, law school, education, or engineering, we get to share in each other's successes beyond MOD. Think about the network of incredible people that we are building. Our MOD family is going to have politicians, teachers, doctors, and everything in between. The web of professional contacts that you are creating for yourself in choosing to be a part of MOD is authentically valuable. We will all eventually move on from MOD, but we will always have this network. So if you are one of those individuals that have already/is moving on from MOD this year, don't be sad because you aren't leaving anything behind. MOD will always have a place for its alumni (literally, its in the constitution that alumni can come to any MOD rehearsal/technique class, ever) and its alumni will always have a place for each other. So when you do leave this group (now or later) don't lose touch with each other, because you are building yourselves a network of incredible friends, that i assure you will be very influential contacts in your futures. 

Having said all that, I have some exciting personal news to share with all of you. As you all obviously know, I studied last semester as the Killam Fulbright Fellow at the University of Southern California. The experience was incredible, and it opened my eyes to independence and cultural education. In conclusion of my semester at USC, the school has offered me a place as a permanent full time student, to continue my studies and graduate from USC in two years. This is one of those opportunities that comes very rarely, and I happen to be at that age that I have to take every opportunity that could potentially shape my future. Having said that, it was a very big and personal decision which I struggled with all summer. I have chosen to accept their offer of admission, so sadly I won't be returning to U of A this fall. Although it was a struggle to leave my family, friends, MOD, and the incredible design program behind, I have chosen simply to make decisions based on what makes me happy. MOD and my life at home is so wonderful because its challenging and rewarding, but ultimately I am so happy with my independent life and studies at USC. I figure that if I continuously make decisions simply based on what makes me happy in that moment, eventually I'll end up somewhere doing something that I'm happy doing, and I think thats the most important goal for success in life. As far as MOD's path to success, you have all already proven that you don't need me around. Its really important, when an individual starts a movement like MOD, to be extremely involved in the inception in order to bring the vision to fruition, and become eventually less interactive in order to allow room for the future leaders to step up to the challenge of making it better than it previously was. You have all already proven that you are capable of taking MOD to the next level, and now we have a group of fresh new faces for our leadership. These individuals will turn to the past leaders for guidance and they will stand on the shoulders of those leaders before, in order see great new heights for MOD and the possibilities that lay ahead. Its important that we never stay on the same level, we have to continuously and perpetually asses where we currently stand, and rise above to reach these new heights for the future. So I will still be around, I will be as involved as you all want me to be. I am here as MOD's founder, I still have creative vision for MOD, but it is so important for you, and the new members that we welcome this year, to take the helm and drive MOD forward.

Those of you that have been around since day one, two years ago, will agree that things have changed, as they should change. Every semester in MOD will be a new one, and as such every semester should be different. Don't ever mourn what MOD used to be, don’t ever wish for the earlier days where maybe you felt more passion or excitement because it was all so new. Instead of thinking of the past, relish in the fact that it happened and be proud that you were around when it all began. You were a part of that initial excitement and passion, and its your duty to figure out how to continuously ignite that same passion in the new members in years to come. Whether its through traditions like MODscars, or perhaps a personal item that you pass on to a new member that you feel deserves the recognition and needs a push to pursue a leadership role in MOD, you each need to discover a way that you are going to pass on your passion so all the new members have a chance to experience what you felt in your first couple years in MOD. Many of you are entering into your last years in school or MOD or both, and its so important to not allow MOD to slip into monotony and predictability. Please try to keep the element of new experiences, as that is the basis and foundation of MODs existence. Keep the element of surprise and spontaneity. I can't tell you specifically how to, but thats the task I hand to each and every one of you for this upcoming year and all years to come. You have the tools to make it happen, everything you need is in front of you, so don't be afraid to try new and weird things with MOD. Every show doesn't have to be on a stage with a silent auction. Maybe you want to have a show in a circus tent in quad, or maybe you want to have an interactive performance in a restaurant! Whatever you choose, stick to your instincts and make it different than last time. Traditions are important and fun and I really believe in creating traditions within MOD, but I think its also incredibly important for MOD's identity and future to get creative, crazy, and collaborative in your plans. Work together to come up with fun things. That brings me to my final point,    d o n t    b u r n    o u t    . You cannot do everything on your own. Nobody should ever work alone in MOD. You have a plethora of the most talented hardworking and enthusiastic individuals around you; utilize your peers. It brings me back to my personal thought about a University Campus... the people you are currently surrounded with are probably the most exciting group of individuals you will ever have the opportunity of working so closely with. And you have the power of bringing all those people together. So take advantage of this moment in time because you don't get to choose your coworkers and there is zero guarantee that you will ever have as much freedom of creativity and the same kind of power to enact change in your future career. So use those around you to work together on things, because A) the ideas you come up with on your own will be half as creative as the ideas you come up with together. And B) you will burn out if you try to do everything yourself. Rely on each other, lean on each other, and take collective pride in your collaborative successes. Because alone you will struggle through challenges and yes you will find successes, but together the successes are more rewarding. Become inventors; don't let things get boring with the same technique classes, the same fundraisers, and the same shows. Always remind yourselves that nothing is impossible. Every thought, every opportunity, and every idea is a possibility; it’s just a question of how to make it happen? And lastly, never say no, to any opportunity. If you continuously say yes to those around you, even if everyday exchanges, you will find that your experiences are more rewarding and enriching, and the more you say yes, it will continuously unlock more doors in front of you.

Okay I'm done being super cheesy, but I always like to start of every school year and every new opportunity with a pep talk to remind myself of how I got to where I am today and the details that will help me get to a better place tomorrow. The State of the Organization is that MOD is around for good, and its not going anywhere but up.

Written with Love…

Elli Maxine Hanson

Founder of the MOD Contemporary Dance Movement

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