Summer Updates!

Hi everyone!
I hope your summers are going well.
I just wanted to take a bit of time to tell you what MOD is all about in case you might be interested in joining next year! I have answered a few of the most common questions below, but if you have anything else you are more than welcome to email us at [email protected]
What is MOD?
MOD is an advanced contemporary dance performance company through Campus Recreation at the University of Alberta. We focus mainly on the performance aspect, with our rehearsals and technique classes preparing the dancers for the show. Throughout the term, we also hold fundraising events to make it all happen! No contemporary dance experience is necessary, but there is an audition process (see below).
How do I join MOD? 
Mod holds auditions at the beginning of the Fall term. These comprise of a class (warm up, technique, and a combination). Successful dancers will then be called back to perform a solo in their preferred style (We have seen everything from hip hop, ballet, and Irish!). After the solo auditions, a group of 25 dancers will be chosen (20 full members and 5 swing members).
What is the time commitment for a full member? 
Full members are required to attend 1 hour technique class per week, as well as the opening and closing number choreography for the show (2 hours per week). They are then allowed to be in a minimum of 1 routine, maximum of 5 for the show. All members are also expected to aprticipate in fundraising events!
What is the time commitment for a swing member? 
Swing member are required to attend 1 hour technique class per week, but are not in the opening or closing numbers for the show. They are then allowed to be in a minimum of 1 and maximum of 3 other routines. Again, all member are expected to participate in fundraising events!
When are auditions? 
Auditions will be held in September 2012, the exact details will be coming soon.
If you want to find out more about MOD, please visit our Facebook page "MOD Contemporary Dance Movement", follow us on Twitter @MODContemp, or see some past performances on youtube (channel name modcontemp).
Stephanie Appelt
MOD Mom, Fall 2012

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